Search engine

If two words must appear in the search, it is necessary to put them between * * with the term "AND", for example * word1 * AND * word2 *.

If two words must appear in different posts and comments, they must be put between * * with the term "OR", for example * word1 * OR * word2 *.

Yo can set up any search as you would normally do in the search engine.

If you want to create one alert for several words, you need to use the connector “OR”. For example, I want to be alerted when the following words are used: #innovation OR innovation OR “new idea”.

Both. When you set an alert up, you are able to choose the groups or leave the scope empty if you want this to detect throughout the community

Engagement score: engagement score generated by posts found
Average engagement score: engagement score generated by posts found / number of posts found
Comments generated: number of comments on posts found
Top groups: groups with the most number of posts and comments within the search
Top people: people who created the most number of posts and comments within the search