

Number of posts / active posts : number of posts created or active (post edited or a comment has been posted on this post) within the period

Number of new posts: number of posts created within the period.

Number of reactions : number of reactions on posts created within the period

Number of comments: number of comments created within the period

Active Members : members that have posted, commented, reacted on a post or viewed a post within the period

Engaged Members : members that have posted, commented or reacted on a post within the period

Percent Active Members/Engaged Members : percentage of active members/engaged members within the known members

Spectators : people who only view posts (do not comment, post and react)

Inactive Members : people who do not participate (do not comment, post or react) and who haven't seen anything

Group / Segment / Dashboard

Total rank : based on ranks on activity, active members, average member engagement & engagement score

Engagement : the engagement is equal to (2*number of comments+ number of reactions + number of shares)/numbers of posts.

Activity : the activity is (number of posts+number of comments+number of reactions + number of shares)/ number of days . Number of days is the length of the period

Average member engagement : number of posts + number of comments + number of reactions + number of shares )/ number of members (known and formers)


Influence score : it is equal to the (number of reactions + 2*number of comments) the member received on all his/her posts created in the period (the member’s comments and reactions are excluded from this score)

People reached : number of people that have interacted with all the member's posts created in the period (comments, reactions; the member’s comments and reactions are excluded from this score).

Member number of views : number of views on the member's posts created in the period

Engagement score : 2*number of posts + number of comments + number of reactions made by the member with the period

Former member : a member that has left within the period

Known member : a member that is present within the period

Total Rank : addition of ranks on views of the member's posts, engagement & influence scores


Posts Engagement Score : two times the number of comments within the period +number of reactions received by the post

Reading time : average based on the number of words in the content (of a post or multiple)

Reactivity : time past between the creation of the content and the first comment

Duration of the thread : time spent between the first and the last comment

Views : number of views on the posts


Engagement score : engagement score generated by posts found

Average engagement score : engagement score generated by posts found / number of posts found

Comments generated : number of comments on posts found

Top groups: Groups with the most number of posts and comments within the search

Top people : People who posted the most number of posts and comments within the search

Notes : content made by bots are not included /displayed in the stats (however comments and reactions made by your members on these posts are taken into account). A member is a member that has been invited to the Workplace community (claimed or not)

This data is not available through the Workplace API yet. When it is, we will be happy to integrate it to Grytics

Statistics may evolve because people keep on reacting or commenting. Reactions are linked to their posts because reactions (likes, happy,...) on Workplace do not have a "creation date";

The date registered is the one of the post so you will see that there are variations in the information that it gives you for the same month depending on when you get the report. All the other content coming from Workplace have creation dates, which are used to generate all the statistics.

The Activity score refers to members activity while Engagement refers to engagement on the content. Activity is looking at the number of interactions by day. You can get a score of activity for one group, one segment or the whole Dashboard.

A healthy community should have both a steady Activity (meaning that people have a good level of interactions on a daily basis) and Engagement score (meaning that the content shared is relevant is gets engagement from the community).

This is an average of the engagement scores of all the members inside a group or a segment.

To interpret the score, you can compare one group with other groups: the higher the average member engagement is, the more people in that group are participating and interested in the content shared - based on the total number of members. A high score also means that a more people are engaging (and not only one members is generating the engagement inside the group).

The influence score is “what someone makes the others do”. If a member is publishing interesting things, they will receive more interactions on their post and have a better score of influence.

The number one influencer is someone making most of the members interacting to their post. So, most of the time, it’s someone from the Leadership Team.

Sentiment score : percent of positive publications + percent of neutral publications.
Percent of positive publications : (number of positive publications * 100)/ number of publications analyzed.
Percent of negative publications : (number of negative publications * 100)/ number of publications analyzed.
Percent of neutral publications : (number of neutral publications * 100)/ number of publications analyzed.
Percent of mixed publications : (number of mixed publications * 100)/ number of publications analyzed.

The metrics are calculated only on the groups that you have added in Grytics via the Manage > Add groups menu.

“Seen by” is a post metric that counts the number of people who've viewed a post, so you have it for all type of posts. On the other hand, “Views by” are only for videos and it’s the number of time the video has been played.

You can see the top engaged people (people who posted, commented or reacted) on your interface (Members metrics).

To get the full list of people, you can export the list of members in Members metrics > Members list. Then, you can remove people with a score of 0 to get the number of people who generate any engagement.

Posts Activity is based on when a post is published on Workplace or a group.

Depending on the time period chosen, you can see the number of posts published by month, day and hour.

Members Activity is based on engaged members, i.e. when members participate on Workplace or a group (post, comment or react).

Depending on the time period chosen, you can see the number of member interactions by month, day or hour.

Reading time: average based on the number of words in the content (of a post or multiple)
Reactivity: time past between the creation of the content and the first comment
Duration of the thread: time spent between the first and the last comment